Call Us Today: (614) 326-3374

Office Visit

Each general visit involves applied kinesiology techniques to determine the body's priorities for optimal support, structural adjustments, and dietary supplement recommendations for prolonged care.

20 minutes = $65.00 (Medicare discount = $35.50)

New Patient Consultation

Each new patient will receive a basic evaluation of overall well-being, a heart tone consultation, and an initial review of dietary supplements, structural alignment, and a recommended care plan.

1 - 1.5 hours = $135.00 (Medicare discount = $105.50)

* We are a cash practice and do not take insurance. However, we offer a discount for patients on Medicare. We can also provide a detailed receipt for patients to submit to their insurance in order to receive reimbursement for the office visits, if applicable.

*Scheduled appointments only. We do not accept walk-ins.

It's time to take control of your health.

Schedule an appointment today and find out first-hand how Dr. Wieland can help improve the quality of your life.

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