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breast health

Is Your Hair Dye Putting You at Risk?

Researchers have been suspicious about the adverse health impacts of hair dye for many years, and rightly so. Several studies have already revealed a strong link between the regular use of permanent hair color and an increased risk of certain cancers and rheumatoid arthritis in women. As the largest consumer of hair products, it only […]
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Simple Strategies for Hormone Dysfunctions

If you are a woman, it’s highly likely that you’ve experienced the unpleasantries associated with an abnormal menstrual cycle. As hormones ebb and flow throughout the month, symptoms such as PMS, heavy bleeding, menstrual-related headaches, or breast tenderness can be all-too-familiar and disruptive to your life. Although these symptoms may be common, that doesn’t mean […]
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A Surprising Link Between Weight Loss and Breast Health

It’s no big secret that fat cells produce estrogen. This is, in part, why men and women who struggle to maintain an optimal weight may have greater difficulty keeping their hormones in check. As fat cells grow bigger from a high-carb diet, they produce more estrogen, which then drives more fat storage. This vicious cycle […]
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Female Hormone Hacks to Keep Your Period on Track

Let’s face it. Being a girl isn’t always easy. Especially when it comes to that monthly visitor that seems to show up at the most inopportune times. And when she brings her friends that drag down your mood and make you reach for the heating pad and a few Advil, it’s time to make some […]
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Attention Ladies: It Might Be Time to Ditch Your Bra!

Although not accepted as being socially appropriate, abandoning your bra wherever and whenever possible might actually be beneficial for your health. Even more importantly, it could reduce your risk of breast cancer dramatically. For the past 30 years, researchers have been investigating the possible link between breast cancer and bras. Before you take comfort in […]
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Breast Cancer Protection

As the leading cause of cancer in women, breast cancer awareness has become a national movement. October is the only time of the year you will find grown men wearing pink T-shirts or pink bands proclaiming “I Love Breasts” around their wrists. Countless numbers of individuals and non-profit organizations, including the well-known Susan G. Komen […]
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