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An Orange A Day Might Keep the Doctor Away!

Aside from being sweet, juicy and delicious, science is confirming that oranges have some pretty amazing health benefits which ancient civilizations knew about, yet we are just beginning to understand. However, we need to set the record straight about one important fact: vitamin C as found in oranges is NOT the same thing as the […]
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Sweet, Sweet Sugar

How is it that something that can taste so good, can also be the source of severe and in some case, fatal, health risks? Sugar fits that description, but it’s the usage, not the product, that can compromise our health. So, whether your doctor has told you to avoid refined sugars, or your body has […]
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Meal Planning Made Easy

Some people make meal planning look so easy. But for others, this process can be a series of start and fails that discourage families and individuals from being more strategic about food choices and budgeting. If you’ve found it hard to meal plan for your family or yourself, read on for sanity-saving tips to move […]
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Daily Magnesium Sources

The consumption of foods that are high in magnesium is essential to our body’s cellular health. The biochemical processes that help us function at full capacity are significantly influenced by how much magnesium we consume. Nerve functions, our body’s capacity to manage blood sugar levels and metabolize energy, and the synthesizing of protein all rely […]
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Petroleum in My Food?

Petroleum powers many of our modern transportation means, from cars, to planes, to farmer’s tractors—the vehicles we use to move around our lawns, our cities, or the world. It even powers the large grocery store trucks we see on the highway, but it’s not just in their gas tanks—it’s packaged, sold, and neatly placed in […]
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Pink Pineapple

Recently, food producer Del Monte announced the release of its new genetically engineered pineapple, “Rosé,” which will have pink flesh as compared to the traditional yellow varieties. The FDA, after reviewing information provided by Del Monte about the safety of their new pineapple, they stated “the new pineapple is as safe and nutritious as its […]
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